Saturday 14 March 2009

Journalism Process

We have four stages:

  1. Indentify and find news and/or information which will attract anda interest the key audience;
  2. Collect all the materials needed to tell the story/provide the information;
  3. Select from the collection the best material;
  4. Present that material as effectively as possible.

News Categories

We have two categories:

  1. Hard news
  2. Soft news
  • Hard news; it includes stories of a timely nature about event or conflicts that have just happened orf about to happen. Basically an account of what happened and how readers will be affected. These stories have immediacy.

  • Soft news; It is also called feature. It covers a wide terriory. Basically it is news that entertains or informs, with an emphasis on human interest and novelty less immediacy than hard news